In 2016, there are 5 eclipse consist of 3 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and 2 Solar Eclipse which is total eclipse and annular eclipse. The first one in eclipse season will be Total Solar Eclipse on 9 March 2016.
TSE 2016
Climate Characteristics in Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Belitung, Ternate
As a tropical country, climate in Indonesia is a challenge for astronomer, and it will become significant for the Total Solar Eclipse next year.
Weather Prospects in March
Next year, Indonesia will experiences the solar eclipse on March 9 even though only some part of the country will experience the totality. It is a great opportunity for Indonesia, as the only land base observation. Well, if someone wants to try the Woleai atoll then there is another land base from Micronesia to view the totality.
TSE 2016 From Various Locations in Indonesia
In 2016, Indonesia will have a privilege to observe the Total Solar Eclipse on March 9th from the country itself.