In 2016, Indonesia will have a privilege to observe the Total Solar Eclipse on March 9th from the country itself.
This will become an important eclipse event since Total Solar Eclipse 1983, 1988, and 2005. This spectacular event will be seen from a path of totality up to 155 km. In Indonesia, the totality path will pass thru several province including some part of Bengkulu, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, West Borneo, Central Borneo, East Borneo, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku and from locations in the Pacific ocean. People in the totality path in Indonesia will see the sun totally eclipsed for as much as 3 minutes, while those in Woleai Atoli in the Pacific will see totality for over than 4 minutes. While totality can be seen from several province only, Partial Solar Eclipse will be visible to all part of Indonesia.
In this page we provide images from 9 March 2016 Total Solar Eclipse simulation from various location in Indonesia. Contact time for the solar eclipse also provided in each image.
Total Solar Eclipse from cities in Indonesia
Partial Solar Eclipse from SUmatera
Partial Solar Eclipse from Java
[divider_line]Partial Solar Eclipse from Borneo
Partial Solar Eclipse from Bali and Nusa Tenggara
Partial Solar Eclipse from Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua
All image credit to [highlight highlightColor=”highlight-orange” ]The Astronomical Data Portal @ UK Hydrographic Office in Eclipses Online page.[/highlight]