TSE 2016 in Lubuklinggau

The Total Solar Eclipse on 9 March, 2016, will pass thru many Indonesian cities. The path of totality will pass thru the South Sumatera area and Lubuk Linggau will become one of the luckiest city to experience both Total Solar Eclipse and Partial Solar Eclipse.

lubuk linggau
Totality path in Lubuklinggau. Courtesy: Xavier Jubier / Google Earth Pro

During Total Solar Eclipse, Lubukulinggau will experience both totality and partial eclipse since it laid on the northern limit of the eclipse. The city divide by the northern limit path of totality. In this area, people inside the northern limit will see total eclipse even though it will last really fast. But people outside the northern limit will never see totality. They will experience partial eclipse and they must keep their eclipse glasses all the time since the sun will never totally disappear. The moon will blocked 99% of the sun.

Partial Eclipse Contact Times

Sunrise: 06:18 local time (WIB)
1st Contact or Start of Partial Eclipse   06:20:11,8 local time (WIB)
Maximum Eclipse: 07:20:24,6 local time (WIB)
4th Contact or End of Partial Eclipse: 08:28:44.7 local time (WIB)

Total Eclipse Contact Times

Sunrise: 06:18 local time (WIB)
1st Contact or Start of Partial Eclipse   06:20:12,3 local time (WIB)
2nd Contact or Start of Total Eclipse: 07:20:11,4 local time (WIB)
Totality: 07:20:25,3 local time (WIB)
3rd Contact or End of Total Eclipse: 07:20:39,6 local time (WIB)
4th Contact or End of Partial Eclipse: 08:28:45.8 local time (WIB)

Air Terjun Temam 2 yang menjadi salah satu lokasi wisata di Lubuklinggau. Kredit: Wisatalingganta.blogspot.com
Temam 2 Waterfall, one of the tourism attraction in Lubuklinggau. Courtesy: wisatallganta.blogspot.com

Lubuklinggau can be reach by Bus from Bengkulu. Lubuklinggau is served by Aviastar from Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang – Silampari, Lubuklinggau. There is no daily flight to Lubuklinggau.

Hotels and inns in Lubuklinggau can be found in Hotel List in Indonesia or from Trip Advisor

Link about Lubuklinggau
Lubuklinggau local government: http://www.lubuklinggaukota.go.id/

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Avivah Yamani

astronomer. astronomy communicator by day. co-founder of langitselatan. new media practitioners. story teller and podcaster in the making. social media observer. web developer and web administrator by accident.

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