TSE 2016 in Palembang

The Total Solar Eclipse on 9 March, 2016, will pass thru many Indonesian cities. The path of totality will pass thru Palembang, the capital city of South Sumatera.

Palembang is in the totality path and people will experience total eclipse for 1 minute and 47 second. Courtesy: Xavier Jubier / Google Earth Pro

Palembang alson known as Venice from the East, the oldest city in Indonesia according to Kedukan Bukit epigraphy. Palembang was the center of Srivijaya Empire and it also has many tourism attraction.

On March 9th, 2016, Palembang will experience totality for 1 minute 47 seconds.

Contact times:

Sunrise: 06:10 local time (WIB)
1st Contact or Start of Partial Eclipse   06:20:29,2 local time (WIB)
2nd Contact or Start of Total Eclipse: 07:20:47,8 local time (WIB)
Totality: 07:21:43,3 local time (WIB)
3rd Contact or End of Total Eclipse: 07:22:39,2 local time (WIB)
4th Contact or End of Partial Eclipse: 08:31:24,7 local time (WIB)

Jembatan Ampera di Palembang. Kredit: Wikimedia
Ampera Bridge the icon of Palembang. Courtesy: Wikimedia

There are several alternative to reach the city. Palembang connected by inland bus transportation from several cities in Java and Bali.  There are several executive bus from Jakarta to Palembang via Pinang Ranti Terminal, Kampung Rambutan, Tanjung Priok, Pulo Gadung, Rawamangun, Grogol and Kalideres.

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (PLM) serves many destination including domestic and international.  Domestics flight serve this route are operated by Garuda, Batik Air, Xpress, Sriwijaya Air, Citilink, Lion Air. International flight operated by Air Asia and Silk Air.

Hotels and budget hotels are easily found in Palembang. The hotel list in Palembang can be found in  Booking.com and Agoda.

Palembang local government: http://www.palembang.go.id/
Tourism Ministry: http://www.indonesia.travel/id/destination/374/palembang-on-the-musi-river
Wiki Travel: http://wikitravel.org/en/Palembang

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Avivah Yamani

astronomer. astronomy communicator by day. co-founder of langitselatan. new media practitioners. story teller and podcaster in the making. social media observer. web developer and web administrator by accident.

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