TSE 2016 in Palu

Next year, Indonesia will experience Total Solar Eclipse as its totality path will pass over Indonesia. One of the area is Palu the capital of Central Sulawesi.

Jalur GMT 2016 yang melintasi Palu. Kredit: Xavier Jubier / Google Earth Pro
Totality path over Palu. Courtesy: Xavier Jubier / Google Earth Pro
Lore Lindu
Totality path over  Lore Lindu National Park. Courtesy: Xavier Jubier / Google Earth Pro

Next year, Palu and several area in Central Sulawesi will be very busy since many people will come to observe the totality from this area. During total solar eclipse, Palu will experiencing 2 minute 3.3 seconds totality while people in Lore Lindu National Park will have the opportunity to observe totality 38,3 seconds longer or they will see the sun blocked by the moon for 2 minutes 41.6 seconds.

Contact times

1st Contact or Start of Partial Eclipse: 07:27:49.2 local time (WITA)
2nd Contact or Start of Total Eclipse: 08:37:44.5 local time (WITA)
Totality: 08:38:45.8 local time (WITA)
3rd Contact or End of Total Eclipse: 08:39:47.7 local time (WITA)
4th Contact or End of Partial Eclipse: 10:00:28.8 local time (WITA)

Taman Nasional Lore Lindu. Kredit: Wikimedia
Lore Lindu National Park. Courtesy: Wikimedia

Mutiara Airport in Palu will be the main airport to serve the domestic flight from and to Palu. Garuda Indonesia serves direct flight from Jakarta. While others such as Sriwijaya Air, Lion Air, and Wings Air serve Palu – Makassar and Palu – Balikpapan route.

Lore Lindu National Park can be reach by car.

Hotels in Palu is quiet easy to find as they also have several chain hotel. List of accommodation can be found in Booking.com and Agoda. There are very limited hotel nearby Lore Lindu National Park in Wuasa Village

Palu local government: http://palukota.go.id/
Tourism Department: http://indonesia.travel/id/discover-indonesia/region-detail/44/sulawesi-tengah ; http://indonesia.travel/id/destination/317/taman-nasional-lore-lindu
Wiki Travel: http://wikitravel.org/en/Palu

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Avivah Yamani

astronomer. astronomy communicator by day. co-founder of langitselatan. new media practitioners. story teller and podcaster in the making. social media observer. web developer and web administrator by accident.

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